Happy Birthday Girls

The third in The Adventures of Millie and Sandra series ‘Sandra?’ Millie called from the bathroom, ‘someone’s at the door.’ She waited but the knocking continued. ‘Sandra!’ ‘Okay, okay,’ she said. Sandra got up from the kitchen table, pushed her breakfast bowl away from the edge and made her way to the door. The knocking …

Shadow Jumpers

This is my newest short story. It is on Medium as I am trialling the platform to see how it performs. Horrific screams fell from the sky waking me from a deep sleep. There was a flock of Corella’s passing over the house and they were carrying something… it was hidden in the darkness and …

The Terrible Case of Mr. Spoxal

To become a member of Vocal+, please register with this link and help me out? When a blood-curdling scream rose up and spread its horror throughout the neighbourhood, no-one expected it to be Mrs. Spoxal, the grocer’s wife. Millie and Sandra, who were staying with their aunt in Launceston, climbed from their beds, pulled back …