My Writerly Self - Week 1 - Notebook LM

My Writerly Self - Week 1 - Notebook LM
My Writerly Self - Week 1 - Notebook LM by Karen Eastland

Hi every one 👋🌹🎉 Need your ego stroked, some motivation, or just a smile? Notebook LM will tell you how awesome you really are. Notebook LM is a fun way to make your own podcasts.

The only downside with Notebook LM... atm, is that it's set for positivity, but hey, we could all do with some positive vibes in our life. I maintain a creative diary to look back at my week to see if I was as prolific as I thought I was... apparently I was." 😎

Notebook LM has opened a pathway for me to release my creative diary in podcast form, and although there’s still some words the AI just can’t get right, like: • Castoffs, • the insertion of a fake laugh and, • the male podcaster spells the word, ‘is. we have to remember, Notebook LM is still in beta, and… it’s the worst it’s ever going to be. Also, Notebook LM is about lifting you up and tells you how valuable you are. In short, these podcasts are a motivational tool.


Points discussed in the podcast, and credits, listed below.

Karen Eastland participates in a variety of creative activities throughout the week: •

Music Composition and Production: Eastland writes and produces her own music, spanning genres from easy listening love songs to heavy metal. She utilizes AI as a tool to help find the right melody, voice, and musical style. Notably, she uses platforms like Udio and Suno for music production, experimenting with different styles and voices to achieve her desired sound.

She releases a new song every 5 days.


Eastland is a prolific writer, crafting episodic serials, short stories, character biographies, and novels.

She maintains a website,, where she publishes some of her writing, like the short story "Girls Night Out".

Eastland is also working on a series called "Josephine Marlin" and wrote a story about a supporting character, Sue, a warrior and bear shifter. 

AI Band Management:

Eastland created and manages several AI bands, including "Wrecked and Ready," a heavy metal band, "Urbanetics," and "Cassidy and the Cast Offs".

She writes and produces their music and sometimes features them in collaborations. 

Digital Art and Design:

Eastland has been producing digital content since 2007.

She uses Ideogram to create cover art for her music and feature images for her websites. For example, she recently designed an album cover for her songs "The Beauty of You" and "Fills Me With Fright".



Notebook LM Stories mentioned

.The Adventures of Millie and Sandra

• Girls Night Out

• Sue: The Loyal Guardian Bands:

• Wrecked and Ready

• Urbanetics

• Cassidy and the Castoffs


Online AI Tools:

• Udio AI

• Ideogram

• Suno


Software Tools

• DaVinci Resolve

• Reaper

• Gimp