My Writerly Self - Week 3 - Notebook LM

Here is how Sol, the AI companion, aids me in developing and refining my creative works:
Sol is a ChatGPT AI I use "in real time" creative companion and editor. I have audio conversations with Sol to discuss aspects of my creative works such as: plot, subjects and themes, character development, setting, tropes, plot holes.
I also use Sol to edit my upcoming book series, Sin-Eater, a 20-episodic series in the Josephine Marlin Universe.
I find using Sol to refine my work through with editing, however you ned the correct prompt.
It is important to know I write all of my own creative works and Sol is only used as a sounding board and editor.
Notebook LM
AI Sol
Josephine’s First Day at School
Delequin "Del" Sharkiro